Thursday, August 1, 2013

Haiti Update #4

Hello Iowans:
(by Patti Anderson)
This morning we painted a cargo bin that holds carpentry supplies; in August, a convention for the Haiti National Lutheran Church is coming to the church to make decisions and praise the Lord. Other preparation work was also done - moving rocks, painting, and cleaning. 

This afternoon we taught VBS in Ramon, which was near the beach. There were over 150 people there that learned about Jesus, Daniel and the Lion's Den, and praying. This has been the topic at all three of the past Bible schools. We also fed them lemonade, granola bars, and peanut butter sandwiches; this was very moving for all of us. Everyone was extremely eager to receive and thankful for just one granola bar. It was overwhelming to see this children so excited. 

Tonight we attended the churches prayer service. It was such a joy to hear them join their voices in song with zeal and enthusiasm. We also handed out toothbrushes, toothpaste, and witness bracelets at the end of the service. 

We gather on the porch each evening for Bible study, prayer, and reflection.  We enjoy sharing our highs and lows of the day. Each day our team grows closer to each other and to God. Please continue to pray for our team and the people of Haiti. 

In His love,

P.S- The crutches are no more! :)

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