Saturday, October 29, 2005



Many have asked how they can help in the Katrina relief for our three adopted churches. Here is a great 'hands on' project.

I ask that you share this information with your church organizations and members. If your church in interested in adopting a family for Christmas, let me know and you will be assigned a family to adopt.

Here's the plan:

Make Christmas special for families and friends of Village Lutheran Church in Lacombe, LA. Each family will register with Wal-Mart for the items they need for their family members. It is computerized like a bridal/wedding registry.

When you receive from me the family name that you are adopting, go online or to a Wal Mart store and ask for the computer 'gift registry' and you will find the needs of your adopted family. You then decide which of the items your church wishes to purchase online or through your local store.

Shipping information will be included when your church receives your adopted families' name. Gifts will be shipped to Village Lutheran Church in Lacombe.
The family will pick up their gifts at the church. You may also write personal notes and cards to your family and send to the church. For privacy issues (and since many do not have a house address now) the church address is being used for each family.

Simple! Easy! Want to participate? Contact me at or 515-386-8420 and I will assign a family to you. First come, first serve.
Questions? Please contact me.

God's Blessings as you bless the lives of fellow Christians in Lacombe at Christmas time,

Ellie Menz

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