Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pasadena Update #5


 Today has been an emotional day for most of the team here in sunny California.  It was a new day, a new month, and a brand new year when we awoke this morning around 4:00 a.m.  What were we doing at that hour of the morning?  We were getting ready for our last drive to Pasadena.  Seats right along Colorado Blvd were saved for us by good folks who stayed up all night to reserve this prime viewing spot.  They asked us to be there to claim the seats by 6:00 a.m.

When we arrived, it was still dark and there was a distinct chill in the air.  We dressed with layers so we could remove clothing as the sun arose on this very special day.  We found parking places, but in a different place than we had planned.  We made our way about 3 blocks from the cars to Colorado Blvd and took our seats as the early light of day was dawning.  People were streaming in from all directions and the party was beginning.  In all my times at the Rose Parade I had never seen people angry or creating scenes as you might expect when you funnel over a million people along one street.  Once again, it was a perfect morning and everyone was in a celebratory mood.  Strangers were wishing each other a happy new year.

There were planes high overhead doing sky writing, proclaiming that it is 2014.  It is so amazing how they do that so high overhead and have the words be so clear as they literally hang in the sky!  Street vendors were selling cotton candy, Rose Parade programs, food items, and bubble machines for the kids along with practically anything else you could imagine.  There was festivity in the air.

Our chairs were right on the street.  More prime viewing spots were not to be found.  There is a beautiful story behind our ability to sit here, too long to explain.  We will just say it was “A God Thing” and leave it at that.  The parade begins at the intersection of Orange Grove and Colorado at 8:00.  We sit about half-way down the parade route so it was about 35 minutes before the first entries arrived.  At the start of the parade, 5 jets flew in tight formation and low down the boulevard, better known as the famous Air Force Thunderbirds!  What an awesome sight as they came screaming low overhead leaving their vapor trails behind in rows down the street!  It was official, the parade had begun!

I certainly hope all of you watched the parade on your TV.  You do get a sense of the magnificence of it all from your easy chair.  But to be here in person with your feet on the street as the marching bands and floats go by is a whole different experience!  I highly recommend it in case you might be wondering.  The ground literally shakes as the drums call out cadence and hundreds of feet hit the pavement at the same time.  It is color and pageantry at its best with bands from all across the nation and many parts of the world, here to be part of it all.  Of course equestrian units are a big thing in Pasadena and they are always followed by the fun ‘pooper scooper’ units who are usually hamming it up to the delight of the crowds.

For our decorating team, the floats took on special significance because some were built in our building and we had personally worked on many of them.  Some of our efforts were going past and pride overwhelmed us at times evidenced by the lumps in our throats.  So, how crazy does that sound?  Let me just say you have to be here to understand.  As volunteer workers, we no doubt saw things missed by most.  After 3 days of decorating with the final flowers, we could identify the materials used and know the difficult process to make them look as beautiful as they do!

We were absolutely thrilled very early after we found our seats this morning.  The Lutheran Hour Float we had all worked so hard on, and were so proud of, had won the Princess Trophy this year!  It doesn’t get any better than that!  I know the detail on the float was not even noticed by most of the million people watching as it went by.  It was incredible this year!  But that was alright because we had worked on it and knew the intimate detail that was there!  Just as one example, I personally glued, one bean at a time, four rows of red kidney beans along part of the frame of one of the eight windows on our float.  It had taken a multitude of people to do just that task and the little beans were too small to be seen by the people along the route.  But, even though all I could see was a reddish border, I still knew it was made of thousands of little beans all glued on one at a time.  I had been part of that.

The parade lasted about two hours at which time a million people headed for their cars. It is an experience to be part of that mass of moving humanity.   We had part of our team purchase tailgate food supplies yesterday so when we reached where we parked, we had lunch and waited.  Every street in Pasadena was clogged with cars trying to get out of the city.  After lunch and some relaxing time, we calmly drove back to Los Angeles and most of the team took much deserved naps.  Some wanted to go to a beach so their car headed west to the mighty Pacific for a short time.  At least one member of the team had never seen the ocean until today!  I have always thought seeing the ocean was pretty significant.  After all, one of the first things God did was to separate the waters and give it boundaries.  Shouldn’t everyone go see that?

We met again in the motel meeting room at 4:00 this afternoon and assembled 436 health kits to be handed out at Skid Row on Friday.  Doing over 400 of them created what would have appeared as mass chaos to onlookers.  But, this team organized and worked together beautifully and in a couple of hours we were done.  Gerald and Kimberly, a pastor and his wife Ellie works with in the summer, came with four young girls to help with this project.  They will be with us at Skid Row on Friday since this is where Gerald does a good part of his ministry.

At 6:00 we headed back to the streets of El Segundo to the Hometown Buffet for our evening meal with Gerald, Kimberly, and the four girls as our guests.  Good food, good fellowship, and good grief, did we all overeat!  Later, back at our meeting room, we discussed our “free day” tomorrow where some will go to the Battleship USS Iowa for a tour, some will drive to the Ronald Reagan Museum in Simi Valley, and a number of people are planning to start early enough to do both in one day.  A few of our team will stay at the motel and catch up on sleep and rest.  We also have two who are not feeling well and we certainly pray for quick healing for them.

The last activity on Ellie’s agenda this evening was to share “faith stories” as she calls them.  As some shared, emotions came to the surface.  We were all affected in one way or another by what was shared.  So, that ended our very long emotional day in sunny California.  Please consider yourself updated! 

In case you might be wondering, we are not missing the cold and snow back in Iowa, not even one little bit.  It just feels so right to welcome January of 2014 in shirt sleeves!  May the warm California sunshine eventually reach the cold and snowy wasteland of Iowa!

God’s Blessings,

Lynn Menz – Bone tired, California freeway driver, float decorator and Pasadena update writer


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