Wednesday, July 22, 2009

IOWAY Reflections

Reflections from the IOWAY team at Faith Lutheran Church

Adam Nahnsen
Derek Rothe
Kristina Reeve
Claudia Perez-Garcia
Tracy Stetzel

Our first week included a lot of manual labor, mostly cleaning for the Manna House. The Manna House is a neighborhood food bank based at the church. We helped Laurence Jones, an amazing and hard working member of Faith Lutheran Church, with cleaning Sunday School rooms, moving furniture, and putting together shelving units for Manna House. Two mornings of the first week we spent canvassing neighborhoods near the church to invite children to VBS which would be held the following week.

We also spent time preparing for VBS by making name tags for students and preparing craft materials and student folders. Our VBS duties were registering students, teaching lessons, and assisting with crafts. We were happy when the number of students at VBS increased from 22 the first night to an average of 35 the remainder of the week. We soon learned that most of our new students were either homeless or living in a shelter and that they had been brought to VBS by a shelter worker, Miss Lynn. She shared that not only were the children excited about VBS, but about receiving a meal. One little boy told us he lives in a hotel lobby. Miss Lynn was very grateful to the church for providing a safe and loving place for these children, where they could forget about some of their cares for a few hours and just be kids having fun and learning about Jesus.

We enjoyed working with Lesley Davis on crafts and office projects and appreciated the support of Paster Schleef and Deaconess Lynda Schleef during the entire two weeks. It was great to work with many of the youth from Faith during VBS and canvassing.

The VBS children did a presentation at church on Sunday morning. The kids sang out joyously with original music by David Dunson. We had 4 year old and 10 year old soloists! The children received beanie baby toys from the IOWAY group along with VBS certificates. Faith also has a unique tradition of including a baton/drill routine in the VBS program. Since there were so many children, time was short for teaching them the routine, so our team learned it from Lawrence. Performing the routine was truly a new experience for us!

Our team was blessed to have been a part of the Faith Lutheran Church family and the IOWAY team for two weeks. As a leader I could see the teens increasing willingness to try new things, their ability to work as a team and their openness to new friendships and experiences. They grew in Christian understanding and compassion for others by seeing poverty and need first hand, and grew in their faith as they shared their hearts and hands in service to their Lord.

Reflections from IOWAY team at St. Phillips Lutheran Church

Paul Nahnsen
April Logemann
Shelby Seil
Kim Peterson

Our group got to have mulitple experiences with many of churches. We saw how many of the churches functioned and the enviornment they were in. This was really great because we got to meet a ton of wonderful people. Our group got to do everything from canvassing, mulching, painting, and teaching.

The VBS we taught was very unique. We taught all ages from Pre-K to 90+. One family even had four generations in attendance. At the end of our VBS, we were able to hand out 20 backpacks full of school supplies and beanie babies to the kids. It was so great to see the reactions of the kids and the excitement on the parent’s faces. Through this experience we not only helped the kids grow in their faith but they also helped us grow in ours.

-The Phillips Group♥

Reflections from IOWAY team at St. Paul Lutheran Church
Amanda Ballou
Jessica Overturf
Michael Rothe
Kenny Headley
Lee Overturf

Words cannot even begin to describe how much we love the St. Paul Lutheran Church family. The people are over extra ordinary. We were welcomed with open arms. We clearly felt when we graced the doors of this church that the Holy Spirit works through everyone here. They put others needs before themselves. They make the church feel like home. We have made lifetime Christian friends. The work project was challenging at times but in the end so rewarding. The playground was raked, tilled, landscaped, tarp laid and 3,000 pounds of mulch was shoveled and smoothed. We painted two long walls with a mural of scripture verses in a fun, happy preschool setting. The choir at St. Paul is fabulous. Thanks to Pastor Williams and staff for running errands to get supplies. A special thanks to Alyce and the kitchen staff becaues the meals were delicious. Thanks, Raphael for your hospitality, kindness and friendship. You are a treasure! Thanks to everyone for their love. Our team was so moved by this experience! All Our Love Always!

Reflections from the IOWAY team at Christ Lutheran Church

Jessi Hawthorne
Mac Juergensen
Angela Jolly
Adam Medick
Lynette Heetland

At Christ Lutheran we started the first week with canvassing. We canvassed with various members of the church. We started in the morning and would then spend time setting up and preparing for VBS in the afternoon.

For VBS we had 22 kids! Mac’s favorite thing about VBS was the fact that “we had a great turn out and all the kids were well behaved and wanted to be there.” During VBS the children got to do many things! Adam enjoyed “teaching the kids about Jesus and helping them put together their crafts.” Angela’s highlights for the week was “getting to know the kids, and was excited about how eager the kids were to learn and…yeah.” Lynette, our fearless leader’s fondest memories were “having an all ready prepared delicious breakfast, seeing Angela’s smiling face in her rearview mirror and watching her disco dance everyday. Having Joe, the leader at Christ, be so organized and efficient. Also getting to know the amazing high school youth and singing songs.”

Jessi’s experiences were very touching, “This being my third year I was a little prepared for how everything worked. I was so excited when I was canvassing and saw kids I knew. I was also so excited when I had so many returning students that recognized me. It was also amazing that the kids knew who Jesus was. I had many amazing experiences.”

Overall, we think that Christ VBS ROCKED! As a group we were also excited when parents brought more than just their own kids.

It was exciting to see how much all the kid’s faith grew and we will keep all of them in our prayers. Lynette added, “P.S our group was AWESOME! They did a wonderful job with all the kids.”

Reflections from the IOWAY team at Hope Lutheran Church
Julie Lesko
Olivia Lesko
Siera Whitlock
T.J. Rarrat
Katie Petzenhauser
Alma Perez-Garcia
Abby Peterson

Our two weeks at Hope Memorial Lutheran Church were a wonderful experience. The first week was a week of growth for us all. We started every day wiith devotions given by our VBS leader, Jason Hashaway. Jason taught us the importance of having Christ real in our life, not to believe because its what we’ve always done, or because our parents believe, but because Christ is alive in our life. The Bible verses given to us were explained so well. We could understand Christ’s message to us and how to apply the verses to our lives.

The second week was the VBS. The turnout was so great. We had many more than we expected. After welcoming nearly 60 children to VBS, we spent the mornings teaching our lessons of ‘Christ, our Solid Rock’. Each class moved from the lesson to snack and recess, to music and to crafts. The members of Hope were great. We were so blessed to work with such a wonderful group of Christians. Everyone worked very hard to make the VBS a success and genuinely cared about all the children.

We also learned a lot that week. We learned not to judge someone from the neighborhood they came from but to get to know who they are. We also had to learn patience. Some of the children needed much love and attention while we taught others how bad names and put downs are hurtful. Yet, we always loved them and looked for the best in everyone. We were all surprised how close we felt to the VBS children and to those who we worked with at Hope Memorial.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Final Days in LA

Happy Saturday AM from CA!

Last night at devotions, there were a lot of long, sad faces. Our group had just said goodbye to their friends at VBS. One VBS boy asked if one of the IA youth could please leave their clothes in CA and instead take him to IA in their suitcase.

Two IA youth were invited by their young friends to come to their house to spend the night so they could spend more time together. Everyone worked really hard sharing the love of Jesus with their words and actions. Each day there were additional youth who came to the various VBS classes. As VBS was starting, Derek invited three youth who were skateboarding past the church to come in for VBS.

To Derek’s surprise, they did stay. The seed of God’s word has been planted. Many Iowans have decided that they are leaving part of their heart in CA. The big work project at St. Paul is finished. A lot of good Iowa work ethic and muscle was used by Lee and Jessica Overturf, Amanda Ballou, Kenny Headley and Michael Rothe. They worked really hard to clean up, till the area and prepare a large playground area into a “soft playground area” for the daycare. They also painted the wall around it and designed and painted a mural.

Thursday, Kenny and Michael left the hotel at 6:00 with a church member to get a huge truck load of mulch, only to sit in stalled traffic for two hours because of a major accident. (No, they were not in an accident but needed to wait for it all to be cleared up) I headed out at 7:15 with a group of Iowan reinforcements and Lee followed with the next group. We made short work of a huge project. We helped finish painting the mural, laid landscaping fabric and hauled and leveled the mulch to a five inch depth. We had tired, dirty Iowans and Californians but happy that they were able to complete the project.

Today is a sleep-in day, but I was up at 6:30 ready to go…go figureJ It’s my birthday today, so I guess I am going to make the day a long one. This is the eighth year of celebrating my birthday in California. This will be a relaxing day spent sleeping in, making hundreds of witness bracelets for a Pastor who would like to have them as a neighborhood outreach and meeting and hearing how we can serve our military friends from Naval Chaplain Jason Dart who is stationed near San Diego. (Chaplain Dart was a Vicar at Trinity in Des Moines a few years ago)

Then we are going to the beach for a picnic and a sand castle building contest. Following that we will have our devotional time and start packing up all the craft and VBS supplies we leave at a local church for next year’s VBS. Sunday we will be going to worship at the churches where we worked for the past two weeks and in the evening we will meet as a group for a special ‘sending and foot washing service’ by Pastor Porter.

Monday, we fly back to Iowa. There will be updates from each of the church groups. They will be writing those today and tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray.

We feel your prayers. GOD is GREAT!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Connecting Hearts in LA & Iowa

Connecting Hearts in LA and IA,

Sunday, each team went to worship at the churches where they will be leading VBS this week. Then they spent the rest of Sunday resting, reading, swimming and just relaxing. Monday, the first team was off to their VBS at 6:45. There are two churches with morning VBS and three, have an evening VBS.

Last night, July 13, I joined the team at St. Phillips Lutheran Church. I have been going there for eight years and it feels like home to me. It was a warm fuzzy last night when an 88 year old woman gave me a hug and said, “I’m so happy to see you this year. You are now like our family.” An 88 year old at VBS? Yes. St. Phillips has a unique situation. It is in Compton, CA near the Watts area. It is next to a large retirement home. Some of the residents come to VBS each year. They enjoy the children’s stories and each makes the craft-of-the-day. They love it.

One lady said, “I was never able to go to VBS as a child.” St. Phillips is a warm, loving congregation. You feel the love and caring as you walk through the heavy gate that surrounds their church. Everyone is welcomed with hugs. I have often said that I leave part of my heart with each mission trip.

That also happens to many of the youth who go on this trip. When people from our group return to the same church a second or third year, they are welcomed with running hugs from the kids and “They are here!! They are here!!”

One example was last week when Mac, Jessi and Angela were part of a group canvassing in the neighborhood of the church where they helped last year. They saw two children looking out of a window of their home and said, “Is it them? Do you think they are back?”

The Iowans recognized their LA friends and Mac yelled, “Yes, it is us!” When I arrived at St. Phillips, I was told that Anthony cannot be with us tonight. Many of you reading this know the story of Anthony, 50, who is autistic. He is not able to read or write but God has given him the amazing gift of memorizing scripture and applying it to the right circumstances. He quotes Bible verses along with where they are in the Bible.

How can he do this? He listens to audio tapes or his Mom reads the Bible to him. Mrs. Laurant, St. Phillips retired Pastor’s wife shared an amazing story with us. Anthony started to go to St Phillips in 1972. He was given the responsibility of being the acolyte. He NEVER missed a Sunday until last week.

My understanding was that each Sunday and each year the Iowans were there for VBS, Anthony’s mother dropped him off at church but never stayed, until last summer’s VBS. After that she also stayed for church. Anthony’s Mom called Mrs. Laurant last Wednesday saying that she was going to the hospital and may not be able to bring Anthony to church on Sunday.

After church, Pastor and his wife went to visit her at the hospital and were told she was not there. Someone phoned them and shared that Anthony’s Mom had died on Saturday morning.

Mrs. Laurant said she phoned Anthony and as soon as he heard her voice, he was so excited and said, “ Mrs. Laurant, Mrs. Laurant, I have good news for you. My Momma is with Jesus!!! She died yesterday.”

How many of us shared the news of a loved one’s death with excitement that you have good news to share? Anthony is now in a home for people with special needs and is not able to attend St. Phillips. He is an amazing person. We are making all the crafts for him and are going to send them to him.

Please pray for Anthony.

Ellie Menz

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Reflections of Watts & Skid Row


Following are thoughts from more of our team members after a day of working with the homeless in the Watts and Skid Row areas.

Jessica O: Today we went to Watts and Skid Row and it was an amazing eye opener. Even though we feel as though we never have anything, these people that we met really don’t have anything, but a HUGE faith in God. It really showed me that even though you have ‘nothing’, people can still have an amazing faith in the Lord our Father.

Alma: Today was a very sad day for me because I saw a lot of people who don’t have a house or family or food. When I see a lot of people waiting for food. I feel God in my heart for helping those people. I said thanks God for giving me this opportunity to help these people and change my life.

Derek: We saw the Watts Tower today. I got to feel like a messenger for God. I invited people into ‘heaven’. A bad thing was when the food was all given away, I had to tell a little girl that we didn’t have any food for her.

Adam M: Today we started bright and early to start our several hour trip to help our new friends that were very unfortunate. I got to help clean a yard for a lady who couldn’t do it. After that we went to Skid Row and I have never seen that many homeless people. Some of their stories were really sad. It was a real eye opener and was very touching. God bless.

Olivia: Today was a very eye opening experience to see how different life is here. Also, how God still works in people’s lives no matter what.

Abby: This was surreal. We helped the homeless and packed backpacks. I feel changed already. I loved working at Skid Row and really feel changed. PS piano paid off. (Note: Abby used her musical talents while the meal was served)

Mac: This was an amazing experience to go to Skid Row. The feeling it gives you to know you are helping someone in need is just amazing.

Kim: It isn’t the stuff that makes you happy. It is sharing Jesus with others. The money that was donated helped provide backpacks with health kits and lunches for 100 people.

Shelby: Today was life changing. I had an idea of what skid row was going to be like but to be honest, it was so much worse. I thought I knew how the homeless lived because I have seen them before but seriously no one can understand how Skid Row really is unless you’ve been there and see what happens.

April: This was the most life changing experience I have ever been though. I loved working in the Watts ‘projects’. It was good to help the kids and to see their smiles was heart warming. This day at Skid Row was hard on the emotions but it is something I think people should experience. It will definitely change the way I look at the world.

Claudia: Today was very different from the other days. It is something that I have never lived before. At this moment, I feel very different, like a new person, seeing the world with different eyes.

Adam N: When I first got there I was fairly nervous. The Pastor there comforted us before we started. After a little while, I found out that they are just people. The bad part at the end of the day was telling people that we were out of food. It was hard. Also, to think we sleep in a comfortable bed, while they sleep on the sidewalk. But, we helped out a lot of people.

Jessi: This being my third year, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. So far it just keeps opening my heart more and more and just keeps deepening my faith in Christ. This year has really had an effect on me. We visited Watts and heard many touching stories and I thank God that Cory helped deepen my faith with a very touching encounter. I thank God for everything that happens that deepens my faith.

Kristina: The experience today was a life changing event. I feel really bad for the homeless people on Skid Row. What we did today is so hard to explain in words. I appreciate everything I have and everyone (Mom and Dad) that helps me in my life.

Kenneth: The people I met at the church are the coolest. Some events, example—Skid Row- changes a life in the biggest way. It is an experience of a life time to go to LA in good and bad parts of town. Getting to see things I had never seen is heart wrenching. Let them all get better in life. Pray for them please.

TJ: It was life changing and makes you want to cry because of how the people live here and I feel like I am being greedy because of how much I have and how good I have it. Also I will never take things for granted and I will always be happy with what I have.

Tracy: Our visit to the ‘projects’ in Watts and to Skid Row in Los Angeles really opened our eyes. We all know about poverty and homelessness, but to be amoing it for the day made it very real to us. Not only do these people need to hear about the love of Christ, they need the basics of daily survival, food, drink, clothes, shelter…… Many of the teens were moved to tears by what they saw. We will always keep this day in our hearts.

Siera: It hit me really hard today seeing Skid Row. It is so sad that so many people are homeless in LA. It makes me want to do more for the homeless back in Sioux City. I plan to send clothes and money to people on Skid Row. (sent to an ongoing Skid Row ministry)

Mike: Today we served the homeless. It makes you feel very very depressed and sad because we take so much for granted that we might complain about. Also Skid Row has a population of 7,000-8,000 people. That is more people than the biggest town in Crawford County. So I am just speechless and you have to see it on your own.

Angela: This really reminded me of how lucky we are. I’m never gonna take things like clothes and food for granted. It is scary to think of how these people live out on the streets. I’m never going to forget this amazing experience.

Lee: You can not even begin to imagine the sights, smell and sadness along Skid Row in LA. Families living on the streets. Our hearts were left there. We prayed, gave Bibles, fed the homeless and provided 100 people with backpacks filled with personal items, lunches, etc. We must pray!

Paul: Today was an experience that you cannot understand unless you see it. Men, women and children living on the street is depressing and almost makes you feel guilty for having all the things we have. It was hard to go back to the comfy hotel knowing that thousands of people will be sleeping on the streets.

Today, Sunday, each team went to the church where they will be teaching VBS tomorrow. Then went out to eat and had a “day of rest” –sleeping, reading, visiting and relaxing.

Please pray for Amanda, one of our IOWAY team members, and her family. Her Grandfather died today. We wish her family God’s blessings and comfort.

Thank you, Ellie Menz

IOWAY: Life Changing

Hi IOWAY family and friends,
This will be a long entry so grab a big glass of cold water!
This morning we ate breakfast early and were heading out at 7:30. Our caravan of minivans went to Faith Lutheran Church loaded with gifts for families in Watts and to the homeless on Skid Row.
Last night we ‘marked’ 50 Bibles so the recipients could learn of God’s love from specific verses. Then we filled 100 snack bags with candy, 100 health care kits with donated items, loaded up school supplies for 50 backpacks and made 100 cross necklaces. When we arrived at Faith, we made 100 sandwiches and filled 100 backpacks with lunch items, health care kits, bags of candy, etc.
THANK YOU to those of you who donated money ‘to be used as needed’ because your money was used to purchase 150 backpacks. They are really nice ones for only $3.00 each. A church member here was able to purchase them from a wholesaler.
David Duncan, our fearless leader, led our ‘caravan’, each equipped with a two way radio to the Watts area where he works and lives. Half of the green-shirted team headed down one side of the street with the 50 backpacks with school supplies and pockets bulging with scripture candy and 150 witness bracelets.
This team shared Jesus and prayed with parents and kids who were outside their home. It was not scary at all. We were in a poor, but safe area. Claudia and Alma, from Denison, who speak perfect Spanish were very busy as we connected with many none English speaking families. Claudia and Alma are awesome!!!!
The other half of the team headed to Miss Wilson’s house with gloves, rakes, shovels and the determination to make her yard look great in 1 ½ hours. They ended up with a pile of dried weeds the size of a large Iowa hay/straw bale. We then walked to the Jordan Café for soul food. The food was delicious. We had chicken wings and a choice of sides along with cornbread.
Refreshed and rested, we headed for Skid Row. We are very thankful for the leadership of David and the two way radios!! We had no idea what to expect at Skid Row, but everything went well and we were told many times that we were an answer to their prayers and that we were a godsend to the Ministry Team that we joined.
It was an amazing team of a Pastor and his wife, a DCE, two college students and two men. They do this ministry monthly, from their own resources and whatever people donate. AMAZING people of God!! When we arrived, there was a long line of people waiting for the distribution to begin. There were three Christian motorcycle men helping too. Ten people at a time were let into the fenced-in area to receive a hot meal of beans, fruit, chicken, bread and cookie. Then they could go to an area and pick up clothes.
Seeing and working with the little kids who are homeless really affected our team. We prayed with them if they wanted us to and were offered a Bible. Some of the youth had amazing stories to share about the people they visited with.
When the hot meals of 400 pieces of chicken were gone, then the next group received the backpacks that we brought. It was a hot and emotional day. As we were cleaning up, there were many tears from the Iowans. It was very emotional and hard to describe.
We did try though to put our feelings into words. At devotions tonight, we shared stories and I asked each of them to write about their day. Following are those stories: (You may want to get a second glass of water before reading on!)
Katie: Today was life changing. Never in my life will I be able to describe the heartbreak I felt today. Seeing so many people come for a meal and clothes was so sad. It really made me appreciate the things I have. It was an amazing experience. I can’t believe the way these people have to live and how grateful they were to get anything. My heart hurts for them and I thank God that we were able to have the opportunity to work with them.
Lynette: It was unbelievable how special the people felt that we gave them a simple backpack with supplies. It made their day. We take so much for granted in our daily life. It was sad to see the children living on Skid Row, playing on the hot sidewalk. Our kids get to play in our nice yards. Thank you for green grass, God!
Julie: Today was an eye opening experience. While in the ‘projects’ in Watts and on Skid Row in downtown LA, we witnessed the massive amount of poverty and sickness here. We have seen the extremely wealthy and their expensive cars and homes and now those who have nothing. I feel even more blessed by all I have and what a blessing it is to share with others.
Amanda: The things I have seen here have nearly left me speechless. It is amazing to see God working in LA and it’s amazing how He seems to be with us and answering our prayers. I could never grasp what it meant to feel the Spirit until I came to LA. It is all so moving and an emotional roller coaster. I love being here and I know it is where God wants me.
It is after 11:30 so I better sign off for tonight. I will share the rest of the stories later.
God bless you and continue to pray for us,

Friday, July 10, 2009

IOWAY: An Amazing Opportunity

HI family and friends of IOWAY,

Yesterday was a day of hard work landscaping, canvassing, making posters, assembling crafts, planning lessons and practicing skits. After supper we took a break. Some went to a local beach for an hour and others went to Santa Monica Pier to shop, eat and enjoy the beautiful summer cool weather. We are all amazed at how cool it is here. Then we got together for sharing, planning and devotions.

Following are a few statements from IOWAY team members after devotions this morning:

Tracy says: It is neat that IOWAY is intergenerational-teens and adults working together. It brings out the best in both. It helps them appreciate their own and other’s abilities. It is a team working for Jesus and reaching out to others. I enjoyed the canvassing and am looking forward to meeting the kids who will be coming to VBS.

Adam N: Whole trip is great. Just to see how different people live and to see the different churches. Feels good that we can help out with the churches. Words of advice: Go on this trip!

Paul: It is amazing! I wish I had found out about it earlier. People need to take advantage of this opportunity. It is also great to see different parts of the country and different lifestyles. I was blessed to grow up in a Christian community. If we can make a difference even for a week, it is worth it.PS: At 6’6”, bathrooms on an airplane are a challenge.

Lee: I think each day is rewarding and exciting at the same time. Our group is working very hard with a landscaping and painting project.. This trip is life changing and hard to put into words.

Jessica: I absolutely love the people at St. Paul They are so willing to give and to give to others. They give food to people as they come to church. We learn so much from them on giving. Warm environment, protected and I feel so safe.

Katie: Really like our church, Hope. Jason is warm and welcoming. Mia came to help and just pitch in. I am very glad that I am on the trip. The life stories of the people who are here are so great to hear.

April: Our team is working at different churches each day and everything here is wonderful. Amanda. Feel like I am meant to be here.

Claudia: Our church is Faith… Lawrence is such a giving person. Lawrence is the baton twirling/music leader/ janitor. Lynda is always motivating and helping us. Everyone is nice. Canvassing was scary at first and today the dogs are still J scary. It is a great experience to see how other people live and I feel like I want to be here.

Ellie: The Residence Inn is amazing to our group. They have a meeting room that we can use at no cost if it is not being rented. Weeks ago I was told that it was available for our use for the two weeks. Then on Monday morning, we were told that the first week has been rented but the second week was OK for us to use. I was told that it was rented for 24 hours each day from today until Sunday night. I was very concerned where we would meet.

While on the phone, I said, “Well, I will just have to pray that they will cancel.” She laughed and said, “No they come often and they never cancel” This morning when I went to get breakfast one of the team members told me that I was wanted at the front desk.

She came out of her office with a big smile and said,”Guess what…they cancelled and the room is yours for the weekend.”I said thank you and reminded her of our conversation about praying that they would cancel. She looked up, folded her hands and said with a big smile, “Today I know that God is real!”

Later….off to finish the laundry and then to Hope and Faith churches today. God bless you and thank you for your prayers.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

A few thoughts from IOWAY ...

Hello from LA,

After returning from the churches yesterday, we enjoyed a cookout of hamburgers and chicken for supper. Then off to a nearby beach for an hour, followed by 1 ½ hours of sharing our adventures of the day, having devotions, praying and planning for today. This morning at 7:30 we had devotions and then off to the churches to canvass, work and plan for next week’s VBS.

Before leaving, I asked a few people to share a thought or two about yesterday:

Kim says: Flat tire was changed to a ‘donut’, then went to Enterprise and they gave us a different van. My team painted the columns inside Good Shepherd. I love the people on my team. Everyone worked hard and then we were treated to Shakey’s Pizza for lunch. We still have paint on our arms to prove we worked

Shelby says: We went to the beach and had a blast and the sunset was beautiful. Five people came back with a mysterious tar-like substance on their legs and feet that they can not remove.

Michael says: St. Paul team is doing serious landscaping work. We are making a play area for the daycare and church youth.. Kenny says: Trip is fun. It is a different experience. First time to ocean..

Amanda says: This trip is a lot of firsts—first plane ride and first time to beach. It is truly amazing. Love my St. Paul Church.

TJ says: Waves are great. Jason at Hope Lutheran was well organized, nice, and is a great devotional leader. Devotional was about Christ being real in your life. Had verses that explained everything well. Jason is a young man who was in a wrong crowd, was injured and is now a devoted Christian because God saved him from a bad accident.

Alma says: Hola! Was fun. First trip to CA. Hope Lutheran Church is beautiful. First time to beach. Was fun to find crabs at beach. First airplane ride.

Abby says: Canvassing was great but met some scary dogs. The people have screens here that the person in the house can see out of but we can not see them. Kinda weird.

Julie says: Blessed by great group of Iowans. Everyone includes everyone and excited about working with Hope Lutheran. Hope is excited about reaching out to their community and are really thankful for us to be here to help them.

Siera and Olivia say: I liked Jason’s devotions about being kind to everyone regardless of what they think of you. He also said we need to have a reason ready to share about why we are a Christian. He said not to say it is because your parents are Christians. Why are you a Christian?

Lee Ann says: Yesterday confirmed to me that I was chosen by God to be here because when I walked into St. Paul’s, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Ellie says: At the airport and wherever we go I see young men and women in military. I decided to say a sincere THANK YOU to each as our paths cross. I have been doing that and have had amazing responses from them. It takes 2 seconds…a sincere thank you and a thumbs up! Try it the next time you cross the path of a person serving you in the military.

THANKS for your prayers. I am heading to St. Paul to help with the landscaping project.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Planes, Mini Vans, T-Shirts ... Welcome to Los Angeles!!

Hi friends and family,

Monday night we arrived at a hotel in Omaha, went out to eat and had an informational meeting and devotions. We have arrived safe, sound and tired. :) Yesterday, Tuesday, was a long day for the IOWAY travelers! My day started at 4:30 am. 9 of us were on a shuttle to the airport at 5:30. The shuttle took three trips to the airport.

Everyone checked in and we were off to Dallas –Fort Worth. Flight was very smooth. Had 45 minutes to catch the next flight and all went well. Then a 3 hour flight to LAX. The 27 burgundy shirts gathered when getting off the plane. Off to claim the baggage…..54 pieces of luggage with yellow ribbons makes a big pile! ( Each person took one suitcase for their personal use and one packed with back packs, school and health supplies that we will be giving to the students at the end of VBS next week and some will go to the homeless in LA)

Pastor Porter, our Iowa District West Nehemiah missionary, met us at the airport. He helped us lug suitcases. We all piled on the Enterprise shuttles to pick up the 5 minivans that had been rented. Note: to those of you who have been on previous trips and know that it always took 1 ½ to 2 hours to get the minivans checked out…..good news. This time it only took 30 minutes. We were impressed! Now, how do you put 27 people, 54 large suitcases and 27 people’s carry on items into 5 minivans? Cooperation and skill. One team member said, “ I can pack well. I have 12 siblings!” We made it and headed to the Residence Inn which will be our home for the next two weeks.

Note to those who have been here before: The Residence Inn is even nicer than when you were here. They have completely remodeled all the rooms and the eating area. After checking in, Pastor Porter welcomed the group with thank yous and appreciation for coming to CA. Then, our growling stomachs told us it was time for food. After enjoying a tasty meal, we made our first stop at the famous Ralph’s grocery store. One team member who works at Fareway in Iowa said, “Wow, the prices are a lot different.” 27 matching shirts at Ralph’s always provides many opportunities to share the reason for our being in LA. Passing the discount card done the line of Iowa shoppers always brings lots of smiles.

After a two hour rest at the hotel, we were back on task. We are not able to use the big meeting room this week so we needed to be creative. We set up three long tables on the tennis/basketball court and unpacked and sorted the contents of our 27 suitcases. Everyone worked hard and in an hour, we had 154 backpacks packed with school supplies. LOTS of beanie babies, toothbrushes, toothpaste and health items were collected to give to the homeless on Saturday, the 11th.

The next and last project for the day was to sort the craft projects and skit props for use at the five churches that we will be working with during the next two weeks. When 9:30 hit and our bodies knew it was 11:30 it was time for bed. I am very happy with the servant hearts of all the team members. No whining or complaining, but lots of working together and laughing.

This morning, at 7:30, everyone was at devotions as we praised God for yesterday and prayed for guidance as we headed out for the day’s activities. More later. Thank you for your many prayers and words of encouragement.

Ellie Menz

PS Just got a call from one of the leaders that they have a flat tire. The rental company has been called and they are coming to change the tire.

Monday, July 6, 2009

IOWAY Team Travels to Los Angeles, California

Greetings to friends and family of IOWAY and the IOWAY mission team,

Tomorrow evening, the summer mission team of 27 will meet at Omaha to start their 2 week adventure. At 8:35 on Tuesday, July 7th, we will head for Los Angeles. We hope to keep you posted with photos and updates throughout the trip.

We ask that you will pray for our team daily.

Thank you and God’s blessings, Ellie